This rice is a low sodium way to still have some of the comfort food you love that does not sacrifice flavor at all! 

Here is my simple Low Sodium Mexican Rice

Ingredients: Low Sodium Mexican Rice

  • 1/4 cup vegetable oil (or whatever oil you choose to use)(0mg)
  • 2 cups of rice (Brown or White)(0mg)
  • 2 cans of no salt added tomato sauce (0mg)
  • 1 large onion (0mg)
  • 1 large clove of garlic (0mg)
  • 2 tbsp or packets of Herb ox no salt chicken bullion  (0mg)
  • Italian seasoning to taste (0mg)
  • 4 cups of water (0mg)


Start by heating your oil in a skillet. Add your dry rice to the oil and mix around for a few minutes, saturating your rice. 

While that is cooking down, add the rest of the ingredients other than water into a blender and blend until smooth. 

Add your tomato mixture into your rice and stir thoroughly. 

Finally, add in your water and mix again. 

This is the most important step….cover and do not mix or stir until the rice is done cooking. It usually takes 30 minutes or so. You will know it is done when there is no longer water at the top. All of the mixture must be absorbed. 

When you rice is done, uncover and fluff with a fork! 


Enjoy! Hit me up if you have great recipes to share!

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