I try to keep my base recipes as simple as possible. This way, you can always add or pair your meal with sides and other goodies! Pasta is an easy go to. Its quick and delicious. Here is my simple Low Sodium Gnocchi

Ingredients: Low Sodium Gnocchi

  • 4-6 baking potatoes depending on size (35 mg per potato)
  • Flour depends on amount of potatoes used but usually 1 to 1.5 cups (0 mg)
  • 1 egg beaten (62 mg)
  • 1 cup ricotta cheese (55 mg per 1/2 cup)
  • garlic powder


The first step is cooking your potatoes. You’ll want the skins off eventually but may want to leave them on while cooking. You can do this any way you like, boil, air fry, bake, just as long as they are good and cooked through.  Once you potatoes are done, remove them from heat and let them cool enough to handle bare handed. Remove the skins if you have not already. Start a pot of water to boil. While waiting… Flour a surface and lay out your potatoes. Add your flour, and ricotta cheese. Then drizzle with your egg. Add your spices on top. I like garlic powder and pepper. Now is when you are going to start kneading the dough. You will knead until it becomes smooth and easy to handle. Grab a handful of dough and start rolling it out. We want it to be long like a snake and about as thick as your thumb. Cut into 1 inch sections. Some people like to cook them like this and others like to roll them. If you have a gnocchi roller, you already know what you are doing, so have at it. If you don’t, simply grab a fork and roll the 1 inch piece down the fork to create lines. Drop the pieces into the boiling water. When they float, they are done.  Remove them from the water. Add to a bowl and cover with your favorite pasta sauce, add to a soup or stew, or dress in olive oil and garlic. The possibilities are endless! Enjoy! Hit me up if you have great recipes to share!
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